Thursday 7 October 2010

Shadow art

Kumi Yamashita is a Japanese shadow artist who makes fascinating work with light and shadow:

Only in Japan

Walking on air:
I'd love to see such colorful people when I go to the store...
Imaging getting on the train and seeing this:
Don't like baseball but I like what I'm seeing here:
How funny:
This one's just cool:
Playing 'walk the dog'...
Doritos.. don't share with friends:
You'd think its about pickpockets.. but look again:
What a cozy cocoon...

Only in Russia

Forgot your car keys?
That's just madness:

Take away?.. The real 'Subway'
And this car was driving...
Well... I saw these pictures and I thought "This is just too much!" But hey, then I saw the Japanese ones...

Sunday 3 October 2010


Isn't Samhain your favorite holiday? It's sertinately mine! Tash is having a zombie themed Halloween party.. I'm so excited!


I had a housewarming party during Mabon. We didn't do anything witchy but it was a party nevertheless. I had a great time although I got a stomach ache in the end, that was of all the cup-cakes I made and ate (well I shared you know..)