Wednesday 11 August 2010

O.P.I. nail polish

I'm so in love with this brand of nail polish! = O.P.I.
I got this add and wanted to buy the set but bought just two and took a carton set with me where I can put all my O.P.I. bottles.

I got number one and two: 'Off with her red!' & 'Absolutely Alice'

And I got a third one for free: 'Sweetie Pie' (how cute, wright!)

I bought this one afterwards. It matches one of my scarfs beautifully and it's named 'DS Extravagance'

And finally I bought this one: 'Royal Rajah Ruby'

1 comment:

  1. Die laatste ziet er fantastisch uit! Me want ;)
    Oja, ik wou je nog vertellen. Zeer dicht bij Brussel centraal is er een OPI winkel, er stond een billboard buiten.
