Thursday 7 October 2010

Shadow art

Kumi Yamashita is a Japanese shadow artist who makes fascinating work with light and shadow:

Only in Japan

Walking on air:
I'd love to see such colorful people when I go to the store...
Imaging getting on the train and seeing this:
Don't like baseball but I like what I'm seeing here:
How funny:
This one's just cool:
Playing 'walk the dog'...
Doritos.. don't share with friends:
You'd think its about pickpockets.. but look again:
What a cozy cocoon...

Only in Russia

Forgot your car keys?
That's just madness:

Take away?.. The real 'Subway'
And this car was driving...
Well... I saw these pictures and I thought "This is just too much!" But hey, then I saw the Japanese ones...

Sunday 3 October 2010


Isn't Samhain your favorite holiday? It's sertinately mine! Tash is having a zombie themed Halloween party.. I'm so excited!


I had a housewarming party during Mabon. We didn't do anything witchy but it was a party nevertheless. I had a great time although I got a stomach ache in the end, that was of all the cup-cakes I made and ate (well I shared you know..)

Saturday 14 August 2010


I celebrated Lammas with Tash. We were at her place and this was the altar. It was fun. We baked bread, wrote a letter to our encesters, (I wrote Morgan Le Fay and Tash wrote Jim Morrison) and we reminisced.


My favorite black cat!

Gypsy trailer

A romantic gypsy trailer park themed party.. I'm in!


I made these in july for our family reunion. I need the practice.. they are getting better.

All Halliwell's Eve

My very favorite Charmed episode! Full of old magic, time travel and Halloween.
Whats your favorite Charmed episode?

Wednesday 11 August 2010

O.P.I. nail polish

I'm so in love with this brand of nail polish! = O.P.I.
I got this add and wanted to buy the set but bought just two and took a carton set with me where I can put all my O.P.I. bottles.

I got number one and two: 'Off with her red!' & 'Absolutely Alice'

And I got a third one for free: 'Sweetie Pie' (how cute, wright!)

I bought this one afterwards. It matches one of my scarfs beautifully and it's named 'DS Extravagance'

And finally I bought this one: 'Royal Rajah Ruby'

Tuesday 6 July 2010


I saw the movie 'Bewitched' with Nicole Kidman for the second time. I didn't find it funny the first time (at all) thats because I don't generally like Will Ferrell humor. Since then I saw more movies with him and now I could look beyond it and I really enjoyed the movie. But I've never seen the original Bewitched series and that has to change.

Friday 25 June 2010

We, Witches

Finished a Dutch book friday, translated 'we, witches' by Roger Pieters that I got as a present from Tash. Whom I already mentioned more than ones but never by name..
The book is about the witch trial of a witch called Jeanne Panne. She has her own statue now. The book is really interesting. Now I want to read more about the witch trials in general.

Midsummer altar

My Midsummer altar.
Robin, yellow ribbon, dried flowers and green candle. (Symbols for Midsummer).

My goddess and god statues.

Some seashells. (Symbols for Midsummer).
And golden princesses, they have a special meaning and they sort of look like fairies. (Symbol for Midsummer).


I woke up at 8:30am to make cupcake glaze ( I still don't have an oven yet so I bought some muffins and cut off the top.) I tried to make the colors matching with the sun god theme and I sprinkled them.

I made some appetisers and cleaned vegetables to serve with cocktail sauce. I also went twice to the shop for some things and I went to the copy centre to print out some sun symbols.

When I heard the party was off I was a bit disappointed. I watched a movie with my boyfriend and we ate all the snacks ourselves.

Monday 21 June 2010


Yesterday evening I did the dishes and cleaned the place a little.
Today I'll do the shopping
and tomorrow some friends will come for a blessed party.