Friday 25 June 2010

We, Witches

Finished a Dutch book friday, translated 'we, witches' by Roger Pieters that I got as a present from Tash. Whom I already mentioned more than ones but never by name..
The book is about the witch trial of a witch called Jeanne Panne. She has her own statue now. The book is really interesting. Now I want to read more about the witch trials in general.

Midsummer altar

My Midsummer altar.
Robin, yellow ribbon, dried flowers and green candle. (Symbols for Midsummer).

My goddess and god statues.

Some seashells. (Symbols for Midsummer).
And golden princesses, they have a special meaning and they sort of look like fairies. (Symbol for Midsummer).


I woke up at 8:30am to make cupcake glaze ( I still don't have an oven yet so I bought some muffins and cut off the top.) I tried to make the colors matching with the sun god theme and I sprinkled them.

I made some appetisers and cleaned vegetables to serve with cocktail sauce. I also went twice to the shop for some things and I went to the copy centre to print out some sun symbols.

When I heard the party was off I was a bit disappointed. I watched a movie with my boyfriend and we ate all the snacks ourselves.

Monday 21 June 2010


Yesterday evening I did the dishes and cleaned the place a little.
Today I'll do the shopping
and tomorrow some friends will come for a blessed party.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Funny costumes

Funny pictures

Sunday evening

We had a little party in Ghent. I made cupcakes and they were tasty.

I brought tarot cards with me and I helped some people out.
Including a guy we didn't know who played some music for us. It was a fun night.

Friday 11 June 2010

Alice in wonderland tea set

With this you can have the coolest tea party ever!

Nightmare before Christmas

I found some very nice 'Nightmare before Christmas' items:


I couldn't believe it. But when the spice girls can do it...

Twilight Barbies :

Prince of Persia Barbie, perfect for when you want your own Jake Gyllenhaal doll:

The Red Queen:

Zombie Barbie:

And finally: this one, which I like a lot:

Monday 7 June 2010


these are my latest tarot cards. I've wanted them for a while and finally found them. But there's something peculiar: When I ask a question for myself its very accurate. But when I asked something for a friend (she chose three cards out of the stack), it didn't add up at all.. We tried several days but it didn't make any sense. And the creepy thing is: when we ask questions for her with other cards (Lenormand):
Its so brilliantly accurate. And she keeps pulling the same cards out of the stack. So I sometimes ask the same question for her and get the same cards.

Practical Magic

I love everything about the movie 'practical magic': I love the the story, the cast, the soundtrack, the house...
The magical house of the aunts was specifically build for the movie. Here are some pictures:


This is my athame. I bought it in St-Christophe in France. It's a miniature model of an actual sword. I've had it for many years and I don't like it when people goof around with it. Its meaningful to me. I use it to cast a circle and to invoke the Gods and the watchtowers.


I had such a weird dream tonight. It was in color. I was on a comfortable bus with other students but I was kind of isolated and I was giving birth, without any mess or sound, or pain. Has anyone seen 'Eraserhead'? Because that's what the little child looked like. It was like a rag doll that kept falling over. It had no spine. It's head looked like two very small ping pong rackets wrapped in flesh with a walnut shaped squishy brain between them. It was really weird. Somebody came up to me and asked me its name. I knew it was a boy and I wanted his name to start with a B. Then we arrived at a park to take an exam. The professor was the new 'doctor who' and he said we didn't have to take the test wherefore we had studied. He replaced it with a performance where everybody had to memorize at least two lines. He saw my baby and said he didn't want 'new mothers crap' he didn't realize the baby was real and how much he hurt me. I kind of look up to him, just like my teachers at school who find my work crappy and are not afraid to say it. But what the baby means, I really don't know. I often dream of baby's but they have never looked like one of picasso's paintings before...

Sunday 6 June 2010

Mortar and pestle

My boyfriend broke my mortar. It was a really small one, made of porcelain. I bought it in France with my parents. I don't blame him, it fell of the microwave.
I collect pictures of wiccan tools I like and I came across one: the perfect replacement... Unfortunately it's 'out of stock'. Now... should I wait for this one to cross my path again?

Baba Yaga

I came across a statues of the famous witch 'Baba Yaga' today. Why did that name sounded so familiar? Is it a children's tale I remembered?... Apparently its a Slavic folklore character, who flies around on a giant mortar or broomstick and kidnaps small children. She also lives in a hut wich stands on chicken legs.
Can anyone remember such a tale? Maybe I saw it on a children's program? I really want to remember.


I love the idea of making my own creative cupcakes. Thats why I've spend so many hours searching the net for some sweet ideas. I want to make funny ones, classy ones... The only problem is: I don't have a oven yet. Here are some examples:

I'm just curious if it'll look okay when I make them or if it will take 'years' of practicing.