Sunday 6 June 2010

Baba Yaga

I came across a statues of the famous witch 'Baba Yaga' today. Why did that name sounded so familiar? Is it a children's tale I remembered?... Apparently its a Slavic folklore character, who flies around on a giant mortar or broomstick and kidnaps small children. She also lives in a hut wich stands on chicken legs.
Can anyone remember such a tale? Maybe I saw it on a children's program? I really want to remember.


  1. welcome to my reality as a death shaman sharing my video...

  2. Hi there, Merry!

    I'm the artist who drew the sepia image above, of Baba Yaga dining. I'm honored you like it! I'd like to add a link to my website, however, since my work is my message in a bottle to the world, as it were. My site is: You can see more of my take on Baba Yaga in my gallery, including my 'doll' of herself and Vasilisa.
    Thanks, and my best to you!
