Monday 7 June 2010


I had such a weird dream tonight. It was in color. I was on a comfortable bus with other students but I was kind of isolated and I was giving birth, without any mess or sound, or pain. Has anyone seen 'Eraserhead'? Because that's what the little child looked like. It was like a rag doll that kept falling over. It had no spine. It's head looked like two very small ping pong rackets wrapped in flesh with a walnut shaped squishy brain between them. It was really weird. Somebody came up to me and asked me its name. I knew it was a boy and I wanted his name to start with a B. Then we arrived at a park to take an exam. The professor was the new 'doctor who' and he said we didn't have to take the test wherefore we had studied. He replaced it with a performance where everybody had to memorize at least two lines. He saw my baby and said he didn't want 'new mothers crap' he didn't realize the baby was real and how much he hurt me. I kind of look up to him, just like my teachers at school who find my work crappy and are not afraid to say it. But what the baby means, I really don't know. I often dream of baby's but they have never looked like one of picasso's paintings before...

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